Brian Feeney

Fun and beautiful interactive timeline displaying the contemporaneous lifespans of notable people. Starts at 3345 BC, but really gets going around 600 BC. You can also really see why 500 to 1000 AD is called the Dark Ages; hundreds of years with almost nothing happening.

From the Washington Post, a "mile-by mile map of the total solar eclipse" that will happen this April 8th. Nice visual for confirming its path, if you weren't sure. Lisa and I will be in Indianapolis for it. Total coverage at my parent's house!

Zach Seward of the NYT has published as an article his 2024 SXSW talk on AI and journalism. It's very good! I'm in full agreement with his conclusions. Approved usage for AI: providing assistance with search, data organization, and other creative research methods. What it should not do: write content while pretending to be something it is not. There are legitimate ways to incorporate AI into newsrooms, and Seward has outlined great boundaries around how one might.

The Pudding takes a look at the differences between two Rolling Stone's lists of the best records of all time from twenty years apart. Obviously, it's a subjective process, but it's interesting to see what drops off after white boomers begin to lose their voting majority.

It’s so exciting to see XOXO return for one more conference. I had an amazing time there in 2018. If I make the list this year, I’m definitely going to find a way to get to Portland in August. 

It's Nice That featured a few brick and mortar projects by design studios. It's a trend, apparently. I know I'd be tempted if I ran a studio, myself. Especially if that was in a smaller town with affordable retail real estate.

Cory Dransfeldt writes a reminder that "renting your music means accepting that it will disappear." This is the main driver behind my interest in vinyl. I don't listen to much music on the turntable, but I do intend to buy all of my favorite records as LPs. As many as I can. One day, my 25,000 track collection on Apple Music will disappear. Either because Apple closes it down or a random bug wipes it all. I'm resigned to that happening. Everything digital is temporary.

Every time we plan a trip to a place relatively new to me, I scour the web for the general weather I should expect in that location around that week/month. There's a nice tool at Google for this: the Well-Tempered Traveler.