Brian Feeney

An iOS App for Album Collections

My Apple Music library contains 47,400 tracks. It's an unwieldy mess. Is that maybe too much music? No, and don't ask that again. I need all of it. For reasons.

Neither the OSX nor iOS apps allow for any real album organization. Playlists are the best option, but that's a design solution for songs not albums. What I want is a way to scroll through a collection of albums that I've set aside. Similar to having a massive record collection in one room, but being able to leave a couple dozen next to the record player for quick access. Some favorite records. Newly acquired records. Records I want to remember to listen to again, soon.

I can excuse Apple for leaving this out. How many people really have more than a few thousand songs in their library? Can't be that many. For nearly everyone, the regular library is perfectly scrollable. For me, it's completely useless.

Apple could add another tab to their Music app for this feature, but that would require yet one more slightly confusing UI pattern for yet another kind of grouping. The best answer is to have a separate app entirely. Just as I'd like to pull my Albums Of The Day off the shelf to leave near the record player, I'd like a second app for quickly getting to the records I want to listen to at the moment.

I've designed this app. It's very simple, and I was able to use only Apple-provided UI. This could be built without any custom components at all, as far as I can tell. The simplicity of the app has tempted me to build it myself a couple times, but I'm still stymied by Xcode and my limited programming skills. Maybe third times a charm?

I share the designs here, and would be happy to see anyone — literally anyone — build it themselves. I wouldn't even ask for any of the profits. If you made this app, I'd even pay for it. Charge me $19.99. Having this would be such a benefit to my listening habits.

August 11, 2020
