Brian Feeney
1 v11.2

Welcome to a slightly updated This morning, I transferred my domain from one server to another, moving from my old website to this one. Minor updates on the front-end, but it's a fully updated Craft instance on the back-end. Apologies to anyone following via RSS; you might have just been flooded with a bunch of old posts and new.

Only a few things have changed between v11.1 and v11.2. Here's a short list:

  • I've added a Notes post type for short comments not necessitating a title.
  • There's a new homepage featuring writing and photos.
  • My portfolio & CV is no longer on this site, but on a new domain:
  • An about page! I plan to update this with something better ASAP.

That's about it for now. I'm currently playing with designs for a big v12 update. I don't feel pressured to get that up anytime soon, as I still really like the general design of v11. Maybe summer 2024?

If you're a reader, I welcome you to reach out! I run this site as if there are literally zero real people visiting. I don't believe for a moment that the 4.6k unique visitors registered by Cloudflare is really real. But surely a few those are friends and future friends out there.

January 15, 2024
