Brian Feeney

Tuning Myself to Luck

There's a great anecdote in American Cosmic about a scientist who "tunes" his body to receive signals from the universe and readies himself to act on it, even if they were mistakes. I do something similar, though it has nothing to do with communicating with aliens.

I like to be sure there is a certain amount of chaos in my life. Enough to randomly generate new things for me to experience, but not so much that I can't make use of new info or take advantage of opportunities. If there's too much chaos, it becomes difficult to single out the right element to act on. The sweet spot is when you can watch the chaos unfold, and can see the opportunity present itself before it does.

It's a mystic way of looking at luck.

I'm realizing it's been months since I've successfully made good on this kind of opportunity. Not since the pandemic shutdown. Too much chaos.

August 11, 2020
